Let's Be Realistic

The phrase that keeps coming to mind is “Rome wasn’t built in a day!”  Stuff takes time!!!

Just because you prayed today, does not mean tomorrow all your problems are solved!  It still took God six days to complete the world and on the seventh he rested….

Where I am going with this is that miracles take time. The miracle you are asking for may not ever happen, but maybe it wasn’t what you need, so it will NEVER happen!!! Think about that… what if you don’t get what your heart’s desire is?  You will be fine because God will give you something better if you look for the good in all things.

For example, I prayed for a son!!! Both pregnancies... But I received two of the bossiest, most beautiful little girls I have ever seen.  These girls are exactly what I needed! I don’t think I would make a good boy mom now that I am a girl mom! Boys are dirty, and my girls are dirty enough for me!!  My girls are exactly what I needed. I needed to be more feminine and sensitive, so now I have to teach two little ladies how to control their emotions. Plus I must teach them how to be ladies in the first place!  I need to live by example so they know how to behave as adults. I am not a perfect example, but I need to wake up each day and try to be for my girls. I need to give them an example of what a good wife, mother, worker, Christian and woman should look like.  

Sometimes God gives you an instant miracle, but if He doesn’t He knows best.  

The Lord knows what you need and when you need it, but your job is to ASK!  Like everyday, all the time. Say in your head for the next serious conversation with someone, “Lord help direct my words in this conversation, amen.”  Amazing things will happen. You need to be open to the amazing things around you.

Don’t second guess the reason you found that $20 right when you needed it.. or don’t second guess why your friend called or text just at the right time. If they were good, they were sent by God.

Life is made up of small moments at the time, but when you look back you see they were actually monumental!

“Ask and you shall receive.”  But know that everything takes times.  Maybe you haven’t finished growing as a person yet.  Maybe your perfect person isn’t finished becoming perfect for you.  Maybe you have a few more obstacles to overcome before you hit the big payday! Maybe the big payday isn’t part of your path...

You may not receive the exact thing you requested, but I bet it’s BETTER if you really look close. Be different and look closely!

Be Different Folks!


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