Becoming a morning person!

Do you want to have more good days than bad?  Do you want to be different?

If you want to be different, you should probably change a few things.  If you don’t like how your day is
everyday, then change the first thing you do each morning.  Start small. Start with the first thing you think, read, or hear each day...

I stumbled upon this truth.  I stumbled upon this when I changed my mornings and realized that almost
my whole day was different!  I was happier.

Here was my daily morning:  wake up 6:30ish, make coffee, take a bath, and listen to the local news.  
Then get myself dressed and get kids dressed all at the same time! Yell and scream and fight all the way out the door...
always late and annoyed!  

My routine was changed after my husband completed an amazing remodel on our shower!
 I mean look at this shower……..

Once this spectacular shower was finished, I had to use it and I could no longer hear the news…..
I had to change what I was listening to in the morning to enjoy the shower.
I started to listen to audio books!

I am a huge fan of a Jennie Allen and I listened to her books. I listened to sermons.  
I listened to my bible app. I stop listening to negative. I started to be aware of other negative things and I would turn away from them.  
I stopped watching some shows that I once loved. I did not want to watch them anymore. I want to see and
hear positive everywhere.

I just naturally started to make the changes.  There was no pain, no separation anxiety, just peace.  
Simply changing my BACKGROUND noise changed my day!

My day had a huge impact for the positive!  I noticed nothing happened when I wasn’t up to speed on the latest terrible thing…
I should have had a jacket or an umbrella once or twice but that's about it.  

Because I have had such a wonderful result due to this change -  I have BECOME a morning person!!
I wake up earlier so I can take in more positive information!  I wake up most days around 5am so I can drink coffee,
read the Bible (which is amazing when you sit and read it - you should try it!), and listen to a book I am “reading”.  
I get my mind prepared for the day ahead.

I look forward to waking up and having my time.  I spend time alone with God. I read his Word.

Every day is a fight in one way or another.  You should be prepared for it. Each day has a challenge, an obstacle, or a wonderful thing you must fight to hold on to,
so you should be at your most ready.  Your most ready is at peace
knowing you are taken care of by God. All you have to do is ask…
So if I start my day thinking about the Lord, it's easier for me to look to him in times of stress.

I also get dressed, or as dressed as I can get before my children wake up!  If I can get fully dressed before the kids wake up,
I feel like Cinderella when I step out of the bathroom.  
The exact Cinderella moment I am referring to is when she is twirling around in her new gown her very own fairy godmother gave her!     

Some results of my morning routine change are as follows:

Those around me are more pleasant -- probably because I am not acting like a madwoman behind them rushing them along.    

I text my friends really early in the morning!  Sorry Ladies!

I email/text my coworkers really early on occasion…

I rarely fight with my husband about his alarm clock...he can’t hear it - ever.  Instead, I pleasantly (most days) wake him up.
I haven’t called my mom really early yet but I might!  I’ve thought about it!

NO, not everyday is wonderful now.  No, not every morning is perfect. I am still not on time for much!  BUT, I am more pleasant when I arrive.
I am prepared. If something bad happens it normally doesn’t ruin the whole day... I am hopeful for the day!    

Be hopeful for your day.  Make a change to hear positive only - even in your music!  I bet your day will be different.

Be Different Folks!


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