What is Righteous?

The word Righteous has been sticking in my head… I watch that show “Adam Probably Saves the World” (which I LOVE!).  The show is the only place I’ve heard the word anywhere else besides church, that I could recall. I heard “You self righteous SOB!!!” before but I am pretty sure that was not the way righteous was supposed to be used.. I’ve heard about righteousness at church for sure!!  But that’s really about it.

I thought righteousness or being a righteous person was something difficult to obtain.  I thought righteousness was something earned. I thought pretty much only nuns were righteous.  And pastors, preachers, and Mother Teresa are all righteous, but not little ol me!

Shoot, I evict people from their homes on a regular basis with my job!  How in the world am I going to become a righteous person?!?!?

I decided to look up the word RIGHTEOUS! According to Merriam-Webster, Righteous is defined as: 1) acting in accord with divine or moral law:  free from guilt or sin 2) morally right or justifiable.

According to the Bible: This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Romans 3: 22- 23

I understand that to mean that no one person or sin is less or more than another’s.  So all sins are created equal in the eyes of God… and it also means that all people are righteous that believe in Jesus Christ.

My thoughts: “SO hold up!  I CAN be righteous! I might already be on the path of righteousness!  That’s cool!”

Now to bring righteousness to everyday life.  My understanding of righteousness in my everyday life is doing the right thing.  “What is the right thing” is typically the harder question to answer. For me, the answer is “is this going to give me ‘heartburn’ later?” Meaning, am I going to regret this later or feel bad when I look back on this decision?   The right thing is not always easy!!! The right thing can cause pain, but your moral compass should point you in the right direction. And the right direction is not always centered around you, just FYI.. (I hate it when that happens too, by the way!)   

The next part of righteousness is being free from guilt.. This for me looks like coming to terms with my shortcomings and being OK with them.  I also tell God all about my shortcomings in the shower or in the car, so he can deal with them and not me! I have enough to worry about! I ask God to let me be free and he does..   

The last part of righteousness is not having to worry about the other shoe dropping..the next problem around the corner....and what you can't handle. You know it’s ok because you did the right thing and God doesn’t leave his children behind. If it’s still bad, it’s not over yet!

Be Different Folks!


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