Life is Hard!
Why is life so hard? If there is a God and he is in control of everything and anything, then why is life so hard? Why do bad things happen?
Because Eve ate the apple and fed it to Adam.
We had it all perfect up until then.. And with food of course!! That is probably why I struggle with the cosmic brownies as much as I do!
Then after a long time of watching us be terrible people God sent Jesus, his ONLY SON, to die a miserable death for us….Why, you say? Because he loved us and did not want heaven without us.
Just because Jesus died doesn’t change the fact that it is still a “fallen world”. It just means that our debt has been paid, and we can ask for forgiveness and be forgiven for whatever it is… we may still have people mad at us or even have to be in jail for our sin, but you can still go to heaven!
The reason the bad stuff happens is so you can be the person God wants you to be. That annoying person at work -- he is supposed to grind on your nerves until you have enough stamina to deal with the next even more annoying person, and so on and so forth..
The reason your car won’t start might have been so you didn’t get hit by an 18 wheeler on the ramp that morning.. Or it could have been because your coworker was going to ask you to help and God knew you wouldn’t say no so he kept you at home a little longer…
The reason that awful, most terrible thing in the world happened to you is for you and God to find out. The hardest thing in my life made me humble. It made me strong. It made me know that God loved me and he could fix anything.
The why is not as important as the step after.. What are you going to do? Are you going to keep on saying “my bad luck”? Are you going to keep making the same decision over and over? Same choices and not liking the result? Are you going to keep thinking that this just happened to you? If so, that's insane. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result…Stop the insanity!
The correct answer is No. The correct answer is this keeps happening to you because you have not chosen a different way. You have not chosen a different path. YOU MAKE THE DECISION. You made the choice.
Choose different. Choose to ask God’s opinion. Choose to pray. Ask God to show you why this terrible thing happened. Ask God to show you the joy in your situation. Ask God to help you make better decisions. Ask God to put the people in your life that will help you, and ask him to take away the people that hurt you.
God does not cause the bad things. He fixes them. He takes those awful, bad, miserable situations and can turn them into the most beautiful gift if you will let him take control.
Look back on things and events in your life. If you can see only bad, ask God to show you the good.
You are a turd and God is polishing you to not be a turd.. Let him!
You are not in control of anything but yourself. You are only in control of how you respond. Respond differently and the result will probably be different.
Be Different Folks!