Why were you invited?

Are you being invited to church?  Did you go? If not, why? I know!!  Because you were too tired, you were too busy, you aren’t into church right now.  Whatever the reason, I am sure you have one. I had one too at one time. Now I think those were silly reasons, but I get it!!

The most popular excuse -and mine for a long time — is wanting to sleep.  Are you too tired? You are tired because you are working too hard trying to do everything.  You are too tired because you worry all night instead of sleeping. You are too tired because you are trying too hard for no reason.

You are trying to be God.  That's not your department.  You are not in charge of everything.  You cannot keep all the “balls in the air” at the same time.  You cannot help everyone and help yourself at the same time. You cannot be all things to all people.  You cannot control all things at all times. You cannot be God.

I figured all that out from going to church!  

I invite people to church because I want you to be happy.  That’s all. I don’t want to fix you. I don’t want to change you. I don’t want to judge you.  I don’t want you to change your ways. I don’t want to make you better or make you a new person.

All those things may happen if you go and actively participate.

Let’s just say you become this new person for a moment… What is the worst that could happen?  Things could get worse. You could become more annoyed about everything, more tired, more broke and more blah blah blah.. But I have only seen positive results my personal life.  I have seen a 180 change in my personal life. I just want the same for others. I see you carrying a weight and it’s not needed. I see a way to help solve a problem and I want to help.  That is all I want when I invite you to church.

I use to feel uncomfortable when someone would invite me to church.  Especially if they invited me more than once. I wanted to be like what is wrong with you?!  I was polite the first time but the second time you are trying my patience! I would still be polite because I didn’t want to anger God with my answers.  Now I think that is because my soul was screaming “YES we need to go!!! But my mind was saying nope we got this!”

I would get this strange urge to wiggle in my chair or shuffle my feet when someone would invite me to church.  I think now that was my soul trying to get my body in gear and my free will shutting it down. Think about it….does the same thing happen to you when you are invited to church?  Maybe you should say yes...

My mind was wrong and will be wrong again.. my soul, my inner voice, was right!  I needed to go to church.

If you get angry when invited to church, something is up with you... If you feel annoyed when asked, you should explore that for real!   

Being invited to a community is what we as people are supposed to be doing.  We are supposed to be welcoming. We are supposed to help you have more love and peace than you ever thought possible.. And all you have to do is enter the door of the church.  Just walk in, sit down, and listen to the Gospel. The written word in the Bible. The love in the pages of the New Testament is something I just recently started to learn about.  The peace, joy, kindness, happiness and faith I learned is something I want you all to learn.

You are simply being invited so you can take the first step on a rightful path!  Stop being bent out of shape about it. That’s silly.

For real there is nothing to be upset about.  If you do not want to attend, that's your choice, but you are choosing the harder road.

Go to church, read the Word and listen.  The next thing you know, you will be inviting your friends to come along too.  Once you become happy, you want others to be happy. You will want them to enjoy life as abundantly as you do.  

Be Different Folks!  


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