Why were you invited?

Are you being invited to church? Did you go? If not, why? I know!! Because you were too tired, you were too busy, you aren’t into church right now. Whatever the reason, I am sure you have one. I had one too at one time. Now I think those were silly reasons, but I get it!! The most popular excuse -and mine for a long time — is wanting to sleep. Are you too tired? You are tired because you are working too hard trying to do everything. You are too tired because you worry all night instead of sleeping. You are too tired because you are trying too hard for no reason. You are trying to be God. That's not your department. You are not in charge of everything. You cannot keep all the “balls in the air” at the same time. You cannot help everyone and help yourself at the same time. You cannot be all things to all people. You cannot control all things at all times. You cannot be God. I figured all that out from go...